Words of Wisdom for Women’s History Month

March 1, 2022
Leadership Lessons

March is Women’s History Month, a time for us to celebrate the accomplishments and wisdom of the female leaders who have paved the way for those who have come after them. We’ve highlighted some words of advice from some of our current female Impact Maker team leaders to kick off the month.

“The power of the pause is remarkable. The pause gives you a second to take a breath, to think, to imagine (even if briefly), to focus. Use the pause and use it often!” Melanie Burm, Workforce Development Co-Lead

“While you are planning to take over the world, don’t forget to work through your “inner stuff”. It will pay off in spades later as you see that the most challenging barriers are within.” Patricia Ewanski, Environmental Sustainability Chair

“Don’t spend time wondering whether you’ve earned what you have or what you want. Feel entitled to what you’ve accomplished just as others do; don’t be ashamed of your ambition. You are your best advocate.”

Mary Foote, Workforce Development Co-Lead

“Smile. This one simple gesture can break down barriers, welcome others into your circle, and even change someone’s day. A smile can communicate authenticity and empathy. It can also improve your own mood with minimal effort. It’s free and no one can take it away from you.” Melanie Burm, Workforce Development Co-Lead

“‘Try to discover the road to success and you’ll seek but never find. But blaze your own path and the road to success will trail right behind.’ – Robert Brault. There is not one definite path, and thus as Women we have to create our own path by seeking out new opportunities.” – Joyceline Elliot, Child Well-Being Chair

“Personally, I have spent too much time worrying about being perfect instead of being brave – don’t do that. And don’t let humility get in the way of confidence! We have a lot to offer the world and we should be proud of that.” – Bailey Reynolds, Impact Maker Leader

“Don’t doubt, just do it. We often tend to overthink or second guess ourselves only to come to the same conclusion in the end.”

Melanie Burm, Workforce Development Co-Lead

“Leadership starts with listening. I believe that listening well and seeking to understand the perspectives of those you lead is critical to successful leadership. Leading can feel isolating sometimes – having a small group of trusted advisors who you can go to as thought partners is so valuable.” Pearl Esau, Impact Maker Leader

“Understand and honor your boundaries. It’s so common for people to contort themselves to accommodate those around them. One of the most important things female leaders can do is be comfortable saying “no” if you don’t have time or don’t feel that something aligns with what is important to you.” – Paige Soucie, Opioid Stigma Reduction Lead

“Learn something new every day. Make time to grow in whatever field you are in. Learning can come in structured ways through things like webinars, conferences, or classes. Learning can also come from reaching out to others in your field to have coffee. These conversations provide a great opportunity to listen and learn from their experiences or to seek advice. Learning can also come from reflecting on how your conversations or projects went and how you might build on your strengths or change things up next time.” Erin Hart, Early Literacy Lead

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