The First Step in Leadership

July 7, 2021
Leadership Lessons

Reflection is a critical tool for our growth – and something we ask those leading our Impact Maker work to do every time we meet. In particular, we ask them to reflect on when they’ve seen real-life examples of our Principles of Doing in action – and we wanted to share one of them with you.

Acting with integrity is the first step in acting with those principles. For us, that means engaging other perspectives with respect, taking responsibility for our beliefs, actions and biases and giving others the space to do the same. It also means valuing information, facts and critical thinking, and examining our own biases. At its core, integrity is about honesty – being honest with ourselves, others and doing what we say we’re going to do in a way that reflects our values.

This past year, our COVID-19 Response Team has focused on engaging the perspectives of community organizations that represent a variety of sectors and interests in Arizona, which resulted in recommendations outlining how policymakers can ensure Arizonans recover from the pandemic and are prepared for any future crises. It was having that broad perspective, grounded with solid data, that gave us a lens into how we could provide the most support to Arizonans. Our partners have successfully advocated for expanded broadband and telehealth services as well as funding the low-income housing tax credit. And, they continue to work with the governor’s office, advocating for investing federal pandemic recovery funding to provide long-term support in areas of child well-being, education, housing and more.

It’s also meant we’ve had to focus on what will benefit the most Arizonans (another Principle of Doing, Arizona First). With the help of partners like the Morrison Institute for Public Policy and Center for the Future of Arizona, we’ve been able to do that by basing decisions on data and what residents value most – and want to see addressed. By taking those actions together, it’s built trust and connections that have fostered collaboration beyond this work.

If you’re ready to lead – and to employ the Principles of Doing – then Catalyze is for you! Launching this fall, Catalyze sets up Arizonans to make a difference in the community or grow their impact. Apply now and join the 70+ Arizonans who have already been accepted to Catalyze.

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